
version 1.6.3
Change Word Pointcut -> Insert Point Advice -> Insert Debug Code

version 1.6.2
Bugs of setting pointut which is method pointcut having inner class arguments with Bugdel editor

Bugs of setting pointut which is method pointcut having array arguments with Bugdel editor

version 1.6.1
Bugs of bytecode made by constructor execution is fixed.

version 1.6.0
If a JAVA member (class, method, field) is clicked on the outline view or some views, 「Set advice by Bugdel」item is shown.

version 1.5.1
It is possible to weave for local class (declaring in a method)
added the cancel button on the dialog of pointcut candiate

version 1.5.0
added thisJoinPoint.weavehost variable

version 1.4.8
changed action that you click the ruler of Bugdel editor.
setting Line pointcut → setting breakpoint (default java editor action)

changed Bugdel editor image

made "bugdel.1.4.8/conf/defaultInsertStatement/" folder. It can set default insert statement.

added bugdel.Bugdel.openEditor(..)method. see flash demo

version 1.4.7
refactored thisJoinPoint.variables. It can reference variables of super class by thisJoinPoint.variables

version 1.4.6
refactored thisJoinPoint.variables.

version 1.4.5
Modified thisJoinPoint with access bug which is from static method to static field.
add infomation of access flag and type of variables to thisJoinPoint.variables

modified MethodExecution, AllLinesPointcut for native method.

version 1.4.4
add thisJoinPoint.variables
add AllLinesPointcut(method name)

added special variable( thisJoinPoint.within, thisJoinPoint.withincode)

You can use || (or) to input names
example : It follow to input under name of class in pointcut dialog
java.lang.Object || java.lang.String

version 1.4.3
debug Bugdel Editor
version 1.4.1
add special method (jump2 method)
changed pointcut dialog
version 1.4.0
added special method (jump method, breakpoint method)